My Extremely short game made for Brackeys Game Jam 2021.1
Theme was Stronger Together

Work together and lift objects to reach shiny crystals. Each level confronts you with a similar yet different challenge. But each time you've got one additional helping hand.

I completely ran out of time trying to implement something that was ultimately too complex for the little time I had. In the end I almost gave up making anything at all but then decided to use the remaining hours to make at least something. So in the end there are 3 very short levels. I had a great time working on it though and I hope you can have at least a bit of fun with it, too. Enjoy!

WASD or Arrows to walk and jump.
F or SPACE to interact/lift (press again to let go)
Q or E to switch between chars

Just collect the crystals.

I will probably try to finish this game properly after the jam ended.

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